Jade Plant Project Hits Grand Rapids Zine Fest 2018!

This past weekend was the Grand Rapids Zine Fest, and the Jade Plant Project Volume 1 made an appearance! We were so excited to share our publication with everyone who dropped by, and we were able to give away most of the first run of Volume 1 (don’t worry those of you who asked for a copy– we kept those separate!)

As promised, the zines were free, and we sold buttons with the art from Vol. 1 to try and offset the cost of printing (because we want to keep the project free!) The pins are super duper cute, so if you want one send me a message and we’ll talk!

We shared a table with Spooky Art Girl (who happens to be my best friend since high school,) and we had such a great time meeting people, talking with artists who were also exhibiting, and taking instant photos. We were totally living our individual aesthetics: Christine rocked her witchy look and I was my usual rainbow self. She brought an excellent table cloth with skulls and other haunted things, which was a very interesting backdrop for the JPP!

We’re hoping to frequent more zine festivals in the future, mostly in the mid west! So, if you know of any nearby, let us know and we hope to see you there!

Happy Shooting!