Old Camera, Old Graves

When I was in New Orleans, I brought along my Voigtlander Brillant. I thought it would be a great camera to bring, since the images that usually come out of it have a weird over-cast antiquated look, and New Orleans is, well, old. I thought it would work out well. Turns out I was right.

I took it to New Orleans Cemetery #3 (because that’s where I took most of my photos, to be honest,) and took some shots. Oh, I also took a shot in the French Quarter.

Isn’t that old effect cool?

Also, that last image– I’m not saying it’s a ghost but, I mean. there wasn’t a light or anything in the scene when I snapped the photo, and the content interested me because it’s a broken up grave site, so I mean… I’m not saying it’s a ghost or anything, but I’m not saying it isn’t. Let’s have fun and accept it’s really weird.

Happy Shooting!